It measures how your lungs work..
We look at 3 specific aspects of your lungs.
This is called Spirometry. You take a big breath in and blow out as hard and fast as you can. The flows and volumes over time tell us if there is obstruction and where it is.
We measure your lung volumes at different stages of breathing. Too little air may indicate a potential restrictive process including neuromuscular disease. Too much and maybe there is air trapping.
This measures the gas exchange through what's called your A/C membrane. Oxygen in Carbon dioxide out. This can be inhibited by various disease processes
There is a branch of the government called Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) and if you qualify, they fund 100% of the cost of home O2. We do the testing required to determine if you do qualify. Then we would help set you up with one of the excellent home O2 providers in your area.
The first thing is see your family doctor or one of the excellent walk in clinics at the Foothills Professional Building because you need a referral. There are things you have to do (or not do) prior to certain tests depending on the reason for the test. We will make you aware of everything when we book you for the test.
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